After medical studies that ended in failure, Roland Magdanski arrived in Paris in 19671. He began his career as a street singer, an antique dealer at the Vanves market, a trouser seller and also as a driver for the Mime Marceau. Parallel to his activities, he entered Cours Simon, where he trained as a dramatic actor.
He participates on France Inter in the contest "La fine fleur de la chanson française" by Luc Bérimont under the name of Roland Godefroy (song Lève-toi Guillaume). Selected among the four finalists, he bowed to Yves Simon and Hervé Cristiani, who in 1980 won the contest with the song Il est libre Max!
In 1970, he was hired by Jacques Charon to perform Pierre Barillet and Grédy's Quatre pièces sur jardin at the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens with Sophie Desmarets and Jean Richard. In 1972, he won one of his ...