In 2008, Baptiste Lecaplain started touring with his show Baptiste se tape l'affiche, which is mostly autobiographical. From January to February 2013, he did a break in order to tour with Jérémy Ferrari and Arnaud Tsamere for La Tournée du Trio in all French Zéniths. After that he continued touring for his own show which ended in 2014.
In 2012, he was part of Fidèles au poste !, as well as the movie Nous York.
In 2013, he was amongst the celebrities who appeared in a TV Special of French TV Serie Scènes de ménages.
In 2014, he played the main role of French movie Libre et assoupi, alongside Charlotte Le Bon and Félix Moati. He starred in a short film by Rémi Bezançon for the French road traffic safety. In October, he joined Les Grosses Têtes.
In 2015, he started a new tour with a show called Origines.
source: wikipedi...